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This page shows information from a previous legislative session and is presented for archive purposes only.


Legislative Analyst
Tony Robinson
Administrative Assistant
Linda Hill
Legislative Attorney
Marty Garrity

This committee reviewsm atters regarding the State Uniform Personnel Classification and Compensation Plan; matters pertaining to the adequacy of position classification and pay schedule of state agencies and institutions; matters which require Legislative Council advice in regard to the administration of the State Personnel Classification and Compensation Plan; matters pertaining to the duties of the General Assembly to establish the maximum number of employees; and the maximum annual salaries of all officials and employees of state government shall be referred to this committee.


Representative Bryan B. King
Vice Chair
Senator Jim Luker
Vice Chair
Representative David "Bubba" Powers
Senator Johnny Key
Representative Larry Cowling
Representative Debra M. Hobbs
Representative Robert S. Moore, Jr.
Representative Johnnie J. Roebuck
Representative Gary Stubblefield
Representative Kathy Webb
Representative Darrin Williams
ex officio
ex officio
ex officio
Representative Tommy Lee Baker
ex officio
Representative Terry Rice

Standing SubCommittees

No subcommittees found in the 88th General Assembly for this committee.