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Administrative Assistant
Gina Seaton
Legislative Attorney
Lacey Johnson

The Claims Review Committee presides over all claims against the state over which the Arkansas State Claims Commission has jurisdiction; including monetary awards for damage/injury exceeding $15,000 and claim decisions rendered by the State Claims Commission appealed by either or both parties. The committee reviews each claim and determines whether the claim shall be Approved, Reversed, Amended, Remanded for Further Review, or Remanded for a Hearing. The disposition of each claim is reported to the Arkansas Legislative Council or Joint Budget Committee. Those claims approved for payment (in excess of $15,000) are referred to the Joint Budget Committee to be included in a special claims bill for presentation to the General Assembly for subsequent approval and payment.


Representative Matthew J. Shepherd
Representative Les Warren
Senator Alan Clark
Senator Bryan King
Representative Andrew Collins
Representative Ashley Hudson
Representative Roger D. Lynch
Representative Steven Walker
Representative Jim Wooten
ex officio
ex officio
ex officio
Representative Brian S. Evans
ex officio
Representative Lane Jean

Standing SubCommittees

No subcommittees found in the 95th General Assembly for this committee.