Uncodified Historic Legislation
This is an unofficial index database for historical and uncodified legislation. Electronic copies of the historic and uncodified acts are not available from this website or the Bureau of Legislative Research. Copies of the historical and uncodified acts may be obtained from the Supreme Court Library, the Secretary of State, the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville School of Law Library, or the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Bowen School of Law Library.
Billingsley, John
authorized to sell stock
p. 194
Municipal courts
counties with population of 65,000 to 65,300, salary of court clerk
No. 13
Municipal courts
counties with population of 49,650 to 49,800, 1950 census, election of judge
No. 374
Municipal courts
counties with population of 46,000 to 46,800, 1960 census, secretary
No. 128
Municipal courts
counties with population of 35,000 to 37,500, 1950 census, election of judge
No. 131
Municipal courts
counties with population of 29,000 to 29,500, 1950 census, election of court officials
No. 305
Municipal courts
counties with population of 29,000 to 29,200, based on 1950 census, election of judge
No. 64
Municipal courts
counties with population of 28,000 to 29,000, 1960 census, election of judge
No. 173
Municipal courts
counties with population of 25,800 to 25,950, based on 1940 census, appointment of clerk
No. 342
Municipal courts
counties with population of 25,750 to 26,250, 1950 census, election of judge
No. 286
Municipal courts
counties with population of 25,640 to 25,650, based on 1940 census, election of judge
No. 15
Bilding, Albert
appointed commissioner, Pine Bluff and Hot Spring Turnpike Company
p. 111
Municipal courts
counties with population of 25,100 to 25,200, 1950 census, election of judge
No. 293
Municipal courts
counties with population of 24,430 to 24,437 and having more than one county seat, election of judge
No. 448
Municipal courts
counties with population of 23,000 to 23,300, 1950 census, election of judge
No. 87
Municipal courts
counties with population of 22,750 to 23,290, 1950 census, election of judge
No. 47
Municipal courts
counties with population of 22,600 to 22,800, 1950 census, election of judge
No. 75
Municipal courts
counties with population of 21,800 to 21,900, 1960 census, salary of judge
No. 235
Municipal courts
counties with population of 21,000 to 21,500, 1950 census, election of judge
No. 16
Municipal courts
counties with population of 20,800 to 20,990, 1960 census, salary of judge
No. 117