Uncodified Historic Legislation
This is an unofficial index database for historical and uncodified legislation. Electronic copies of the historic and uncodified acts are not available from this website or the Bureau of Legislative Research. Copies of the historical and uncodified acts may be obtained from the Supreme Court Library, the Secretary of State, the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville School of Law Library, or the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Bowen School of Law Library.
City elections
changes dates for elections in city administrator governments
No. 489
City elections
cities of second class with population of 800 or less, only one place for holding elections
No. 114
Arkansas County
dividing Quapaw Purchase land between Arkansas & Pulaski counties
p. 5
City elections
cities of the first class that have a population of at least 50,000 and have a mayor-council government, odd-year elections abolished, dates of elections fixed
No. 176
City government
counties with population of 2,500 or more, form of government
Section 3 of 1957 act amended
No. 226
City government
counties with population of 2,500 or more, form of government
Two Sections added
No. 389
City government
counties with population of 2,500 or more, form of government
Section 10
No. 50
City government
counties with population of 2,500 or more, form of government
No. 8
City Hospital of Memphis, Tennessee
tax levied to dog track to support Arkansas patients
No. 924
City manager
residency of city manager in cities of less than 6,000
No. 25
City of Booneville, Logan County
to authorize the city of Booneville to donate land to Logan County
No. 571
City of Jacksonville
To authorize the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department to sell and convey to the city of Jacksonville surplus lands located in Jacksonville
No. 285
City of the first class in which is located a city park of 1,000 acres or more
penalty for non-payment of sales tax
No. 542
Arkansas County
act for the relief of the sheriff of
p. 56 (Act 1)
City of Wynne, local retirement funds
to authorize the city of Wynne to impose additional court cost to fund local retirement funds
No. 1149
City parks
cities with population between 40,000 and 80,000 in counties with population at least 140,000, annexed to city owning the park
No. 295
City parks
parks owned by cities with population between 6,000 and 6,450 and located in counties with population between 22,600 and 22,800 annexed to the cities owning the parks
No. 49
City treasurer
city having population of no less than 704 nor more than 714, conditions of retirement
No. 941
City-county employees worker compensation study commission
retirement benefits of, in largest city in all counties having a population of 46,000 to 49,001
No. 1057
Civil defense
appointment of director authorized
No. 321