State opt-out option for abortion coverage
Section 1303 of the PPACA allows states to pass laws prohibiting abortion coverage in health plans offered through the state Health Insurance Exchange. Five states have passed such legislation. Those states are Louisiana, Arizona, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Missouri.
Other States' Documents
Arizona SB 1305
Legislation passed in Arizona prohibiting health plans in the state health insurance exchange from providing abortion coverage except as a separate rider requiring an additional premium.
Louisiana Act 941
Louisiana legislation prohibiting health plans offered in the state health exchange from providing abortion coverage
Mississippi SB 3214
Legislation passed in Mississippi prohibiting health plans offered through the state health insurance exchange from providing abortion coverage
Missouri SB 793
Oklahoma HB 3290
Legislation introduced in Oklahoma to prohibit all health plans in the state health insurance exchange from covering elective abortion services. The measure, however, was vetoed by Governor Brad Henry.
Tennessee HB 2681 and SB 2686
Legislation passed in Tennessee prohibiting health plans in the state health insurance exchange from offering coverage for abortion services